Welcome LovelY Soul

A warm welcome and bright blessings to you as you discover this journey of light, love, elementals and faery healing! I am absolutely delighted that you have arrived, and that you are interested in faery healing. Your path may be mossy and overgrown (and there will most likely be a few toadstools along the way) but it will be yours to wander and to work with for the rest of your fae-loving life.

7 pointed faery star image

ThE path of the FAery healeR

Blending the Celtic, Fae and Shamanic worlds with reiki gives a wonderfully spiritual blend that is in tune with the spirits of nature and rich in symbolism. Faery healing is similar to other healing modalities that use intention, energy work and the power of human spirit to move big ideas and ripples through the universe. The energy that we work with is distinctly fae, and it bridges the loving energies of nature spirits with the earth, the animals and those around us. While fairy energy can be wonderfully playful and soothing – it can also be powerful and profound. How deep down the wishing well you go is completely up to you, and as you get started I’d be absolutely honoured to share my experiences of faery energy with you.

We’ve set the course up to be simple enough for a true beginner, while being deep enough for someone with prior experience with reiki and healing. If this is your first glimpse at the forest of energywork, let me know when you sign up and I will send through a few links to take a lek at before we begin.

The path of the faery healer

Hear the playful faery wings that draw your attention upwards and step onto the faery reiki path.
As your mind wanders and your imagination soars, your heartsong smiles into the element of


Enjoy warmth hearths and deep roots as you meander down this
traveller’s road and ground your experience in


Drink down this ancient tonic of love, life and cheer, and wash away tension
and open your spirit to WHOLENESS as you dip into the element of

WateR &

Ride the wave your of passions, grab hold of desires and open your soul to your
own inner glow. Your embers of life and love were peacefully set ablaze before you
were born. Feel their warm love and their


 Faery Course Reiki Practitioner


Faery & Air Reiki is the first course in the elemental reiki program.

The details: Upon completion of the 21 day program, you will receive your Level
1 certification, as well as a unique fae attunement to the 4 elements. (With a strong emphasis on AIR.) Even though the course is taken from your home, it is interactive and includes meditation, hands-on work and case studies. The home-immersion experience is meant to be an introductory course that ends with your final faery reiki attunement.

You can add this modality to your healer’s tools, and incorporate the lovely fae healing energy into your current practice.

For course details, fees, and information on how to enrol, follow the link below.

Faery & Air Enrolment

Fire air earth and water have been a part of mystical teachings throughout antiquity, and have been used as a way to reconnect spirit with earth, student to wisdom, and seeker to experience. It is a healing path that incorporates ancient knowledge from Druidry, Celtic Mythology, Shamanism and Faery Doctoring.

The first course focuses on the elemental basics, with a focus on the wispy air elemental.
We look at reiki positions, 4 element characteristics and power, healing with fae energy, and shaman guides with meditations, video and at-home exercises. There is email support and tutoring for this class available on Wednesday and Fridays for any questions you may have, or experiences that you would like to share.

Journalling throughout this journey is a highly recommended part of the coursework.

Air & Slyph Energy

The fun and child-like slyph energy of the air element works beautifully with other forms of
reiki or healing energy. The course draws from history’s robust archives of earth-spirituality
and wisdom, and although some people would say it is spiritual in nature, it is not rooted in
any one religion or dogma. The only pre-requisite for the course is an open-minded curiosity
to learn, explore, and to welcome this lovely energy into your life for the time you are studying.

Most of our students are reiki practitioners, but if you have never studied reiki before, a basic
understanding of what reiki is and how it works is recommended. (Click here for info & some
resources to get you up to speed.)