FaiRy Reiki CertificAtion
Fairy Reiki Certification is your first step into this Elemental Healing Reiki world. This 21 day course is experiential, whimsical and meant to introduce you to the tools you need to navigate this path.
7 is an important number in fairy medicine, and 3 is important for creativity and happiness – so this course is three weeks x 7 days.
Come experience the elemental healing energies that are around you! Work with your healing hands,your intuition, and your fairy guides to enrich your experience of the fae and energy healing.
What to expect in this certificate course:
You will receive modules via email with reading, meditation & faery healing exercises- and we will also set a time for you to receive your faery reiki distance attunement!
Each week you will have a module sent to you that includes some reading and experiential work, and a online journal space for you to track your experiences. You will also receive a few special fae extras throughout the week in the form of meditations or printables to help keep you moving along in the course. You will need to spend a few hours per week on your experiential work to really enjoy and absorb the exercises. As with everything, the more you put in, the more you will experience!
Modules include:
- meditation and opening sacred grove space
- connecting with the elementals
- yourself as a nature element
- a fairy grid exercise for intention and healing
- an in-nature exercise (please let me know in advance if you are unable to get outside and enjoy nature, and I will find an alternative for you!)
- symbols for healing, the fairy reiki symbols
- the final fairy reiki attunement
- connecting with fairy guides and talismans
- case study / journalling by participant
Who takes this course?
Many of the people I’ve worked with are already reiki practitioners looking to deepen their connection with nature as they practice using reiki energy. Some of the students are energy workers or light workers of a different flavour, and they are looking to strengthen ties to nature energy, mother earth, or to their fae guides. And other people are simply looking to learn a little bit more about the fae, and to play with intention and meditation while tuning into the wonderful world of whimsy that we can create in our lives.
Plan to put in a few hours of work weekly. Or many! How much you dive in is up to you.
Course certificate will be send via email after final case study journal is submitted.
CoME Join US!

More Info:
When you are finished, you can submit 2 case studies and qualify for Elemental Reiki Level 1 (Air Element).
It is our hope that you enjoy the course so much, that you continue on with your studies of the other elementals. Of course this stand-alone course is also a modality on it’s own. If you are already a reiki practitioner, we hope you bring this fae energy and air elemental system into your current practice. The fun and child-like slyph energy of the air element works beautifully with other forms of reiki or healing energy. The course draws from history’s robust archives of earth-spirituality and wisdom, and although some people would say it is spiritual in nature, it is not rooted in any one religion or dogma.
We welcome all faiths with open arms! The only pre-requisite for the course is an understanding of what reiki is, and a open-minded curiousity to learn, explore and have fun.
Warm blessings and happiness,
Chrystine xoxo
Dear Chrystine,
My name is Sebastian Hidalgo, i live in Ecuador South America and im very interested in the faery reiky course.
I have a few questions though, ?the first 3 weeks are like the first level of the usui system??, and the other one the price that appears on the website isfor the 3 weeks??
Thank you very much for your kind response!!!
Best regards
Sebastian Hidalgo